Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions Hobe GmbH
(version: 06.05.2020)
1) Scope of Application
1.1 These Terms and Conditions of Hobe GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”) shall apply to all contracts concluded between an entrepreneur (hereinafter referred to as “Client”) and the Seller relating to all goods and/or services. Exceptions are the contracts concluded in the online shop of the seller. Here special terms and conditions apply. The inclusion of the Customer’s own conditions is herewith objected to, unless other terms have been stipulated.
1.2 The present General Terms and Conditions shall also apply exclusively, if the Seller performs the order without reservation, in the knowledge that the Client’s terms and conditions may conflict with or deviate from its own.
1.3 Purchaser within the meaning of these terms and conditions are those at the conclusion of the contract acting in their commercial or independent professional activity (entrepreneurs) or legal persons under public law or public special assets.
2) Conclusion of the Contract
2.1 The offers of the supplier are binding unless made in writing and if they are specifically designated as binding. Technical changes and changes in shape, color and/or weight are reserved, as long as conflicting interests of the customer are not unreasonably impaired. By offering no guarantee as to the nature of the goods is transferred. Public statements, recommendations or advertisements of the Supplier or its agents do not constitute specifications.
2.2 The Supplier reserves the right to property and copyright of illustrations, drawings, sketches, and other documents. They may not be copied, reproduced, disclosed to third parties or made public without the Supplier’s consent. Otherwise they shall be returned immediately upon request.
2.3 A contract is concluded only after written order confirmation by the Supplier or if the order is executed by the supplier. Only the written confirmation of the Supplier shall define the content and scope of the contract, being respectively the acceptance of an offer by the customer with the content formulated by the Supplier. Even if the order is placed electronically the contract shall only come into being on written confirmation of the order by the Supplier. In any case additional agreements and amendments to the contract require written confirmation by the Supplier.
2.4 If tools or products which are not listed in a sales catalog are commissioned the intended quantity for each delivery may be exceeded or fallen by 10% of the ordered quantity.
3) Prices and Payment Conditions
3.1 All prices indicated by the seller are net prices plus the legal value-added tax. Costs for packaging, loading, freight, insurance (in particular transport insurance), duties and charges will be calculated separately.
3.2 Payments must be made in EURO without any deductions point of payment by wire transfer within 30 days of the invoice date – even with partial delivery. For deliveries to other countries, payments are only possible via bank transfer (IBAN / SWIFT). For payments made within 14 days from the invoice date a discount of 2% will be given.
3.3 If prepayment has been agreed upon, payment shall be due immediately upon conclusion of the contract. Payment shall be deemed to have been made if the equivalent value has been credited to one of the Seller’s accounts. In the event of delayed payment, the Seller may demand default interest in the amount of ten percent above the relevant base interest rate. All other legal rights to which the Seller is entitled in the event of delayed payment of the client remain unaffected. Provided that claims are overdue, payments received shall be applied first to possible costs and interest and subsequently to the oldest claim. If the customer’s payment more than two months in arrears, the Supplier may withdraw from the contract and demand compensation for the damage suffered after a deadline to the purchaser.
3.4 The offsetting claims of the customer is excluded, unless the counterclaim is undisputed, legally established or ripe for decision. The assertion of retention by the customer is excluded, unless the lien is based on the same contractual relationship or the lien is based on a counter-claim, which is undisputed, legally established or ripe for decision.
3.5 If the customer has a payment that is in default, the purchase price for all deliveries already made will be immediately fall due and payable. For outstanding deliveries, the supplier may require payment or security deposit prior to delivery. If, after conclusion of the contract in the financial circumstances of the customer of a significant deterioration occurs or is known, the Supplier is entitled to withhold his goods, unless the customer makes the payment or provides sufficient security
3.6 If unforeseeable cost increases should occur (such as currency fluctuations, unexpected rise in prices of suppliers), the Seller is entitled to pass on such price increases to the Client. However, this only applies if delivery has been agreed to occur later than four months after conclusion of the contract.
3.7 Tools and products, which are not listed in a sales catalog must be requested and are quoted with quantity-based prices.
4) Shipment and Delivery Conditions
4.1 Goods are delivered on dispatch route and to the delivery address indicated by the Client, unless otherwise agreed upon. In the processing of the transaction, the delivery address indicated during the Seller’s order processing shall be applicable.
4.2 Information about delivery times are not binding unless a delivery date has been expressly guaranteed to be binding. The delivery period begins on the day of the order confirmation or conclusion of the contract, but not before clarification of all – especially technical – details of the delivery item. The delivery time is met if by the end of the delivery item has left our premises of the Supplier or the shipment has been notified, unless it can be delivered to the purchaser.
4.3 Compliance with the delivery period requires that all commercial and technical issues between the parties have been clarified and the customer has fulfilled all his obligations on time. This includes in particular the agreed terms of payment as well as the timely receipt of all supplied by the Purchaser. If this is not the case, the delivery shall be extended accordingly, unless the Supplier is responsible for the delay.
4.4 The Seller is entitled to make partial deliveries, in so far as it seems reasonable for the Client. In the event of permissible partial deliveries, the Seller is entitled to issue partial invoices.
4.5 The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of his own suppliers failing to deliver or if such delivery is incorrect. This only applies if the Seller is not liable for the non-delivery and if the Seller has concluded a congruent covering transaction with his supplier. The Seller shall make every reasonable effort to obtain the goods. In the case of the unavailability or the partial availability of the goods, the Client will be informed without delay and payments made by the Client will be immediately refunded.
4.6 The risk of accidental destruction and accidental deterioration of the goods shall be transferred to the Client upon delivery of the goods to an adequate forwarding company. The same applies as well if the Seller bears the costs of the transport. Transport insurance is provided only upon the Client’s instruction and at his own cost. If installation and assembly are owed by the Seller, the risk passes to the Client with the handing over of the completely installed and assembled goods to the Client.
4.7 Should delivery of the goods to the Client be delayed for reasons for which he is responsible, the risk passes to him with the notification of the readiness for dispatch. Possible storage costs incurred after the risk has been transferred are borne by the client.
4.8 In the case of any doubt the commercial clauses and delivery terms shall be interpreted pursuant to Incoterms® in their most recent version.
4.9 Personal collection is not possible for logistical reasons.
5) Force Majeure
In cases of force majeure having an impact on the performance of the contract, the Seller is entitled to postpone the delivery for the duration of the hindrance and, in the event of a longer-term impediment, to withdraw from the contract without giving rise to claims asserted against him by the Client. The term “force majeure” shall mean any event which is unforeseeable for the Seller; or any event, even if it were foreseeable, would be beyond the control of the Seller, and whose impact on the performance of the contract could not therefore be averted despite reasonable efforts made by the Seller. Possible legal claims of the Client remain unaffected.
6) Delay in Performance
If shipping is delayed at the request of the Client for more than one month after he has been duly notified of the readiness for shipment, the Client will be charged a monthly fee for the storage costs to the amount of 0,5% of the goods to be delivered, however, these fees shall not amount to more than 5% of the total price. The proof of a higher or a lower damage is expressly reserved to both parties.
7) Reservation of Title
7.1 The Seller reserves the right of ownership of the delivered goods until complete payment of the purchase price has been affected. In addition, the Seller reserves the right of ownership of the goods until all his claims arising from his business relationship with the Client are met.
7.2 In the case of processing of delivered goods, the Seller shall be considered the manufacturer and shall acquire ownership of the newly arising goods. If processing is done with other materials, the Seller acquires ownership in proportion to the invoice amount of his delivered goods to the value of the other used materials. In the case of combination or mixing of goods belonging to the Seller with objects belonging to the Client, the article belonging to the Client is considered to be the main object. In this case, the Seller acquires the co-ownership of this new object in proportion to the purchase price of his goods or – in the absence of such a purchase price – in proportion to the current market value. In those cases, the Client is considered to be the custodian.
7.3 Goods under reservation of title may neither be pledged nor transferred by way of security. The Client, in his capacity as a reseller, is only allowed to resell in the normal course of business on condition that the Client’s claims against his customers arising from the resale will be assigned effectively to the Seller and the ownership of the goods will be transferred under the condition of payment. By concluding a contract, the Client assigns his claims against his customers arising from those sales to the Seller by way of security. The Seller accepts that assignment simultaneously.
7.4 The Client has to give notice to the Seller immediately, if he has access to goods belonging or co-belonging to the Seller or to claims assigned. He has to pay to the Seller any amounts assigned to the Seller he has collected, insofar as the Seller’s claims are due.
7.5 Insofar as the value of the Seller’s security rights exceeds the amount of the secured claims by more than 10%, the Seller will release a corresponding part of his security rights at the Client’s request.
8) Warranty Claims
In cases of defects the legal provision will apply. Deviating therefrom, the following shall apply to items which have not been used in accordance with their normal use for a building and which have caused its defectiveness:
8.1 An insignificant defect does not cause warranty claims and does not entitle the Client to refuse delivery of the goods. Should part of the goods be defective in a significant manner, the Client is not entitled to refuse total delivery. This does not apply if partial delivery is of no interest to the Client. Furthermore, payments effected by the client may only be retained to an extent which is appropriately proportionate to the occurred defect. If the item is made available at no cost, the Seller’s liability for defects is excluded except for cases involving intent and gross negligence.
8.2 Warranty claims are excluded in cases of used goods. The limitation period for any claim arising from defects is one year calculated from the passing of risk. Subsequent performance (new delivery or remedying of a defect) shall affect exclusively the period of limitation for claims arising from defects which led to the subsequent performance.
8.3 The aforementioned limitations of liability and reduction of limitation pursuant to Section 8.1 and 8.2 do not refer to cases related to the right of recourse (Section 478 German Civil Code) as well as to claims for damages and compensation of expenses the Client can make according to the relevant legal provisions related to defects. Section 9 will apply for the latter claims.
8.4 In the case of subsequent performance, the Seller has the right to choose between rectification and replacement delivery.
8.5 The limitation does not begin again if a replacement is effected in line with the liability for defects.
8.6 In the case of replacement delivery, the Client is obliged to send back first the goods delivered within 30 days. The return parcel must contain the reason for return, the name of the Client and the number assigned to the purchase of the defective goods in order to enable the Seller to identify the returned goods. So long as and insofar as the identification of the returned goods is not possible on grounds for which the Client is answerable, the Seller is not bound to accept returned goods and to refund the purchase price. The costs for resending the goods will be borne by the Client.
8.7 If the Seller delivers a defect-free item in order to comply with his duty of subsequent performance, he may claim compensation for use pursuant to section 346, para 1 German Civil Code. Further legal claims remain unaffected.
8.8 If the client is a business person, he has to comply with the commercial obligation to inspect and to give notice of defects pursuant to section 377 German Commercial Code. If the Client fails to comply with those obligations, the goods shall be deemed as approved, unless the defect was not recognizable during inspection.
9) Liability
Liability for being in default is exhaustively provided for by section 6. Furthermore, the Seller shall be liable for any claims arising from damages and compensation based on contract, quasi-contract and on legal provisions or on tort as follows:
9.1 The Seller is liable for every legal reason without limitation:
– in cases of intent or gross negligence, or
– in cases of negligent or willful physical injury or negligent or willful injury of life, body or health of a person, or,
– on the grounds of a warranty promise, unless otherwise agreed, or,
– on the grounds of compulsory statutory liability as defined, for example, in the product liability law.
9.2 If the Seller has violated essential contractual obligations through negligence, his liability is limited to foreseeable damage typical of the contract, unless unlimited liability applies pursuant to section 9, para 1. Essential contractual obligations are those obligations the contract imposes on the Seller which are material to the contract and whose fulfillment makes the due performance of the contract possible and on the performance of which the Client normally relies and is intended to rely.
9.3 Otherwise, the Seller’s liability is excluded.
9.4 The aforementioned liability provisions will also apply in the case of the Seller’s liability for his assistants and legal representatives.
10) Statute of Limitation
The Client’s claims against the Seller – except those mentioned in Section 8 – expire by limitation no later than one year after the time of knowledge and at the latest five years after delivery of the performance, unless unlimited liability applies pursuant to Section 9, para 1.
11) Retention, Assignments
11.1 The right of retention and the right to retain performance are excluded, unless the Seller does not deny the underlying counterclaims or unless those claims have been recognized by declaratory judgment.
11.2 The assignment of claims by the Client arising from the contract with the Client, in particular the assignment of Client’s warranty claims, are excluded.
12) Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
12.1 The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to all legal relations between the parties to the exclusion of the laws on the international purchase of movable goods.
12.2 If the Client is a business person, a legal entity under public law or a special fund under public law, the place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from this contract is the place where the Seller has his principle place of business. The same applies if the Client has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or if his domicile or normal place of residence is not known at the time of the institution of legal proceedings. In any event regarding the aforementioned cases, the Seller is entitled to appeal to the court at the Client’s domicile.
Minimum order value
The minimum order value per order is EUR 150, – net (excluding VAT). Please note that for orders less than EUR 150, – a surcharge for small orders amounting to EUR 9,90 will be calculated. When ordering through our Online-Shop the surcharge is payable.