Product overview

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Our product clip:

Our product clip:
Get a first impression on how our tool system works.

This short animation demonstrates lively the creation of the inner shape of a dental implant.
The working steps of drilling, boring, internal grooving, broaching and thread whirling are illustrated.

Quick-change system for micro-boring

Standardised, custom-fit, adjustable micro-tools for high-precision boring of holes from Ø 0.3 mm. System tool holder with internal coolant supply for manual tool change. Repeatability of ± 5 µm without re-calibration.

Multi edge profile broaching tools and plug gauges for producing and checking of internal profiles

Standardized and customized tools and plug gauges for quick, process-oriented production and testing of internal multi edge profiles such as squares, hexagonals, hexalobular, cones, cylinders and also non-rounds. Shafts identical to the borin® system. Gauges-Bit-holder with two-sided mounting.

System tools for micro-bores

Standardised micro-tools for high-precision manufacturing and both preliminary and reworking of bores from Ø 0.4 mm. Extremely straight and round system shafts tolerated in a IP3 diameter. Complementary, special modular tools are also on offer.

System tools for internal thread fabrication

Standardised micro-tools for high-precision thread whirling and thread milling of bores from Ø 1 mm. Reverse countersinktools and edge countersink tools from 0.95 mm head diameter. Modularly designed tools for tongue/groove form circular milling available upon request.

System tools for the finest metal engraving

Standardised, finish-ground gravers for the machining of tungsten, copper, aluminium, stainless steel, brass, gold and titanium. 30° tip angle at diameters from 0.2-2 mm. Adjustable semi-finished product available in various diameters and lengths.

Customized tools

Precise tool and process solutions for maximum optimisation of your production. Innovative special developments for the machining of aluminium, brass, titanium, gold, stainless steel or plastics by drilling, reaming, milling or threading.


specials – Spezialwerkzeuge

Modifizierte spinin®-Standardwerkzeuge und andere Formwerkzeuge.

  • Kegelsenker
  • Profilsenker
  • Kronensenker
  • Kegel-Reibwerkzeug
  • Profil-Reibwerkzeug
  • Stirn-Reibwerkzeug
  •  Kanonenbohrer
  • Gewehrlaufbohrer
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Systemhalter mit Kühlmittelzufuhr für den schnellen Werkzeugwechsel von Hand ohne erneutes Einmessen.


  • direkt in die Maschine bzw. in handelsübliche Spannmittel einbaubar
  • innenliegende Kühlmittelzufuhr
  • exakte Ausrichtung der axialen/radialen Schneidenlage und Spitzenhöhe
  • Einmessen bzw. Einrichten bei Werkzeugwechsel entfällt zumeist
  • in Verbindung mit borin®-Systemwerkzeugen Wiederholbarkeit von ± 5 µm

Unser System einfach erklärt: